Solo Stove Snuffer
We manufacture snuffer pans to fit Solo Stove's Ranger, Bonfire and the Yukon. We use regular carbon steel or 100% Stainless Steel.
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Detailed Description
We supply accessories made specifically for Solo Stove Fire Pits
If you hit the arrow in the drop down menu it will display the prices and the different Solo Stove Fire Pits sizes and options. Any questions please call 817.946.6463
What we have here is a snuffer pan. The snuffer pan is used to HELP put the fire out in your Solo Stove fire pits and to HELP keep the fire from flaring up unoccupied. Our snuffer pans are made in Texas. We use top quality materials and craftsmanship. Dancing fire has been manufacturing fire pit accessories since 1997. Custom fire pit screens and snuffer pans have been our specialty for about 15 years.
The Solo Stove fire snuffer pan is available in REGULAR CARBON STEEL or STAINLESS STEEL that matches the Solo Fire Pits It's available painted black or natural finish which means its raw steel. The stainless steel model is brushed finish. We use 16 gauge sheet metal for the plate. On the bottom side we install a ring that fits in the Solo Stove fire pit. This ring does two things. First it helps center the Snuffer in the open hole and second it helps the plate from warping. This is a important. Steel warps when it gets hot if not properly engineered and even with the best intentions you can only do so much but without this ring it'll warp. So if you see a flat snuffer else where consider what I said. solo stove snuffer
The other option is having it painted or not. I can't remember the last order we received wanting the snuffer painted. The 100% stainless steel snuffer ages the same as the Solo Stove fire pit as it's stainless as well. They look like they were made for each other. The REGULAR STEEL will rust. It will have a natural look. Will it change the life span of the snuffer? I don't think so. I think the heat from the fire is the biggest life span changer.
The Solo Stove Snuffer Pan is made to fit inside one of our Safety screens. This is how I use the snuffer pan. When we shutting it down for the day I'll spray water on the fire until no flames and then I'll install the snuffer pan and put the screen over the snuffer. All three pieces fit within each other.
Any questions please call 817.946.6463
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